

Embedding contentfry using a custom HTML block on WordPress is a straightforward process.
Follow these steps:

  • Log in to your wordpress admin dashboard

  • Access the post/page editor: Navigate to the specific post or page where you want to embed the contentfry code. Click "Edit" to open the editor.

  • Add a Custom HTML Block: In the editor, you'll have the option to add blocks. Look for the "Custom HTML" block or the "Custom" category, and select it.

  • Paste contentfry embed code: Once you've added the Custom HTML block, you'll see an editor where you can enter custom HTML code. Paste the contentfry embed code that you copied from your contentfry account into this block.

  • Preview and Publish: After pasting the code, you can preview your post or page to ensure the contentfry display appears as expected. If everything looks good, click the "Publish" or "Update" button to make the changes live on your website.

That's it! You've successfully embedded contentfry using a custom HTML block on your WordPress website.